
Friday, August 5, 2011

My Dad

Just wanted to post a quick note here about my Dad. My Dad is pretty much the most amazing and coolest guy in the world. Not only good looking, but he's also charming, delightful and so loving. On top of all of that, Will Ferrell, Jack Black and Steve Martin are sad little men compared to the hilarity my Dad brings. What can I say, my Dad is really just AMAZING.

And I promise, when I am older to care for him and help him in any way I can.

I also promise to make him a cake, just because he deserves it.

Oh and I'll wash his socks after he's been out cutting the grass.

And I'll give him 20 bucks....just cuz I can.

In summary, I owe everything I am to my incredibly awesome and hilarious Dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Post Randy! - COusin Kate