
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Guest Blogger!

Hello, fellow readers! Today I would like to introduce you to our newest blogger. He is considering starting his own. In the past, he has been known as "My little brother" "My ten year old brother" and "Elmer Fudd". This is his first time blogging.......introducing AJ!

For one I'm not going to introduce my blog with "hello fellow reader". I'm AJ otherwise known as Elmer Fudd. Red Sox lost yesterday and are losing again, GRRRRRR!!!!!. Oh, sorry back to the point, like Alex said I'm 10 and entering 6 grade (and 7 grade math). I'm not a long blogger so if you read my blog there is probably going to be short blogs, but there will be one every day or two. That's all BYE!!


Anonymous said...

I like it Alex You Cousin Kate

Hope said...

yeah me too. so does AJ have his own?? id love to read it