Hello, fellow readers! Today I would like to introduce you to our newest blogger. He is considering starting his own. In the past, he has been known as "My little brother" "My ten year old brother" and "Elmer Fudd". This is his first time blogging.......introducing AJ!
For one I'm not going to introduce my blog with "hello fellow reader". I'm AJ otherwise known as Elmer Fudd. Red Sox lost yesterday and are losing again, GRRRRRR!!!!!. Oh, sorry back to the point, like Alex said I'm 10 and entering 6 grade (and 7 grade math). I'm not a long blogger so if you read my blog there is probably going to be short blogs, but there will be one every day or two. That's all BYE!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
If You Give a Girl Some Thread.
If You Give an Alex some Thread
If you give an Alex a spool of thread(to start her latest sewing project, of course), she'll want a needle to go with it. So she'll search the hutch in the dining room for that elusive needle. While she's looking, she'll find a pencil with the eraser snapped off. That will remind her that she needs to find a pink eraser for school. So she will go look in the desk for one. While she's there, she'll see a disk of pictures. So she will put the disk in the laptop and look through the pictures. When she's finished, she'll see the solitaire icon on the screen, and want to play a game. That game turns into two, then three, since she can't seem to win. After losing that third and final game, she'll realize she smells cookies coming from the kitchen. So she'll go and get a snack of warm cookies and milk. As she takes her snack to the dining room, she'll see the spool of thread on the hutch.
And chances are, if you give an Alex a spool of thread...
She'll want a needle to go with it.
*Please note that this is a work of fiction, although some events in this story may have been based upon historical events...ooh look, shiny things!*
If you give an Alex a spool of thread(to start her latest sewing project, of course), she'll want a needle to go with it. So she'll search the hutch in the dining room for that elusive needle. While she's looking, she'll find a pencil with the eraser snapped off. That will remind her that she needs to find a pink eraser for school. So she will go look in the desk for one. While she's there, she'll see a disk of pictures. So she will put the disk in the laptop and look through the pictures. When she's finished, she'll see the solitaire icon on the screen, and want to play a game. That game turns into two, then three, since she can't seem to win. After losing that third and final game, she'll realize she smells cookies coming from the kitchen. So she'll go and get a snack of warm cookies and milk. As she takes her snack to the dining room, she'll see the spool of thread on the hutch.
And chances are, if you give an Alex a spool of thread...
She'll want a needle to go with it.
*Please note that this is a work of fiction, although some events in this story may have been based upon historical events...ooh look, shiny things!*
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Bunnies and Storms
We have a new family living on our property. Two rabbits have made themselves at home in our backyard. My youngest brother has christened them Flopsy and Peter(I wondered what happened to Mopsy and Cottontail).They've been hanging around our yard for two days now. This morning dad tossed out some carrots for them. I asked my 4 year old brother which rabbit I took a picture of, and he promptly answered, "Peter,"

That would be him right there^
Yesterday when we were watching them from the window, our 10 year old Elmer Fudd was ready to go hunting in the backyard. Fortunately for the bunnies, the most powerful thing he has is a Nerf gun. Instead of going hunting, he had to go finish some schoolwork. Poor Elmer.
Last night we had huge storms. Scratch that. We were supposed to have huge storms.*coughs* On the Doppler radar, there was dark red and pink all around us. Hail, wind, tornadoes, thunder and lighting....then you see my town. An hour glass has formed on the radar. The thinnest part is right over us! This caused an uproar from Mr. Fudd, who, not only likes Nerf guns, also likes big storms. It's actually quite amazing. The family joke(and I use the term "joke" lightly) is that storms can sense my weather-loving mother. They avoid her at all costs. She said she wanted an award for keeping the town safe. No matter where we live, storms always run away from us. Did you see the damage in Joplin? Fellow citizens of my city, you will never ever have to worry about that happening here.
That would be him right there^
Yesterday when we were watching them from the window, our 10 year old Elmer Fudd was ready to go hunting in the backyard. Fortunately for the bunnies, the most powerful thing he has is a Nerf gun. Instead of going hunting, he had to go finish some schoolwork. Poor Elmer.
Last night we had huge storms. Scratch that. We were supposed to have huge storms.*coughs* On the Doppler radar, there was dark red and pink all around us. Hail, wind, tornadoes, thunder and lighting....then you see my town. An hour glass has formed on the radar. The thinnest part is right over us! This caused an uproar from Mr. Fudd, who, not only likes Nerf guns, also likes big storms. It's actually quite amazing. The family joke(and I use the term "joke" lightly) is that storms can sense my weather-loving mother. They avoid her at all costs. She said she wanted an award for keeping the town safe. No matter where we live, storms always run away from us. Did you see the damage in Joplin? Fellow citizens of my city, you will never ever have to worry about that happening here.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Not Normal?!
Hey you
Yes, you
Come a little closer, I want to tell you something
Not that close! I'm claustrophobic! There you go
My family isn't normal.
You could have responded to that earth-shattering statement in one of two ways. You could have thought....
A) "Of course your family isn't normal! You have seven kids of different races(most who are a different race than your parents), drive a large maroon van wherever you go, and your poor mother still has her sanity! You call that normal?!"
B) "WHAT?! Not normal?! What are you talking about???"
If you were to tell my siblings that we aren't normal, they probably would have responded "B!"(In their brains anyway. They all have a tendency to to answer the "right" answer, even when that isn't what they think). Sure, we all know that we are a little different than most people, but you don't realize how irregular you are when you are living that way, if you know what I mean. Let me give you an example.
Setting: Christmas Eve, 2-3 years ago. The entire family is in the living room taking pictures.
Characters: My parents, sisters, brothers, and me.
"Let's have all the girls by stand by the Christmas tree!" says mom. My sisters and I happily oblige, wearing our brand new red and green nightgowns. We pose in front of the tree and smile. Mom and dad start to chuckle.
"What? What's so funny?" we ask.
"One of these things is not like the other...." mom sang. I looked around.
"I'm taller?" I suggest
"I don't have clips in my hair!"
"Not quite..."
I thought for a moment. Then another. I couldn't figure it out.
"What?" I finally ask.
"Could it be the only white girl surrounded by black girls?"
OH! So that was it! I suppose I did look a bit funny.
You know, the funny part now is I didn't realize that I looked different from my sisters at first. None of us ever really pay attention to that kind of stuff. When I see my 10 year old brother, I don't see him as my only white sibling. He's just my brother. Same with all my other siblings. Like I said, we don't realize how unusual our family is. Any outsider could easily point out multiple "weird" things about our family. Yes, we could too, but we have to sit down and consciously think about it. I don't see a single thing wrong with our family setup. Different, yes. Bad or strange, no. I wouldn't trade my family or my life for anything else in the world. We ARE different, but I love it!
PS......I added a new scrolly thingy to the bottom of my blog! What do you think??
Yes, you
Come a little closer, I want to tell you something
Not that close! I'm claustrophobic! There you go
My family isn't normal.
You could have responded to that earth-shattering statement in one of two ways. You could have thought....
A) "Of course your family isn't normal! You have seven kids of different races(most who are a different race than your parents), drive a large maroon van wherever you go, and your poor mother still has her sanity! You call that normal?!"
B) "WHAT?! Not normal?! What are you talking about???"
If you were to tell my siblings that we aren't normal, they probably would have responded "B!"(In their brains anyway. They all have a tendency to to answer the "right" answer, even when that isn't what they think). Sure, we all know that we are a little different than most people, but you don't realize how irregular you are when you are living that way, if you know what I mean. Let me give you an example.
Setting: Christmas Eve, 2-3 years ago. The entire family is in the living room taking pictures.
Characters: My parents, sisters, brothers, and me.
"Let's have all the girls by stand by the Christmas tree!" says mom. My sisters and I happily oblige, wearing our brand new red and green nightgowns. We pose in front of the tree and smile. Mom and dad start to chuckle.
"What? What's so funny?" we ask.
"One of these things is not like the other...." mom sang. I looked around.
"I'm taller?" I suggest
"I don't have clips in my hair!"
"Not quite..."
I thought for a moment. Then another. I couldn't figure it out.
"What?" I finally ask.
"Could it be the only white girl surrounded by black girls?"
OH! So that was it! I suppose I did look a bit funny.
You know, the funny part now is I didn't realize that I looked different from my sisters at first. None of us ever really pay attention to that kind of stuff. When I see my 10 year old brother, I don't see him as my only white sibling. He's just my brother. Same with all my other siblings. Like I said, we don't realize how unusual our family is. Any outsider could easily point out multiple "weird" things about our family. Yes, we could too, but we have to sit down and consciously think about it. I don't see a single thing wrong with our family setup. Different, yes. Bad or strange, no. I wouldn't trade my family or my life for anything else in the world. We ARE different, but I love it!
PS......I added a new scrolly thingy to the bottom of my blog! What do you think??
Friday, May 13, 2011
*I apologize for not blogging in over a week, I've had a severe case of blogger's block(see below)......*
Happy Graduation Day! We started in early August, so today was our last day. I just came back from the "cafeteria" for our "last day lunch"......thankfully, we did not have a typical any-leftover-the lunch lady could find-lunch. We did not have mystery meat left over from September. We had peanut-butter and fluff sandwiches. Before that, we had our 'Graduation Ceremony'. We told the 'class' some of our favorite things we learned this year. We got awards(including Best Singer for my youngest brother, who daily treats us to his rendition of the Mighty Machines Theme Song). And we played Pomp and Circumstance through my mom's(ahem, teacher's) laptop, as we all walked to the front of the living room as my mother(TEACHER!) announced what grade we were graduating into.....8th, 6th, 4th, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, and pre-school. Beautiful. My dad(The Principal!) gave my TEACHER(I did it right!!) a Giant Hershey's bar and a card signed by all of us('scuse me, her students). How appropriate. A Pronoun Bar(hey, it's a Her-she bar, isn't it????)for the teacher.
Blogger's Block-when the brain of a usually wonderful blogger has been temporarily impaired, and the blogger cannot think of anything worthwhile or interesting to write about. Attempting to blog while suffering from Blogger's Block can result in extremely boring blog posts, rambling posts, or staring at a blank screen for hours, which can result in eyestrain. See Writer's Block
Happy Graduation Day! We started in early August, so today was our last day. I just came back from the "cafeteria" for our "last day lunch"......thankfully, we did not have a typical any-leftover-the lunch lady could find-lunch. We did not have mystery meat left over from September. We had peanut-butter and fluff sandwiches. Before that, we had our 'Graduation Ceremony'. We told the 'class' some of our favorite things we learned this year. We got awards(including Best Singer for my youngest brother, who daily treats us to his rendition of the Mighty Machines Theme Song). And we played Pomp and Circumstance through my mom's(ahem, teacher's) laptop, as we all walked to the front of the living room as my mother(TEACHER!) announced what grade we were graduating into.....8th, 6th, 4th, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, and pre-school. Beautiful. My dad(The Principal!) gave my TEACHER(I did it right!!) a Giant Hershey's bar and a card signed by all of us('scuse me, her students). How appropriate. A Pronoun Bar(hey, it's a Her-she bar, isn't it????)for the teacher.
Blogger's Block-when the brain of a usually wonderful blogger has been temporarily impaired, and the blogger cannot think of anything worthwhile or interesting to write about. Attempting to blog while suffering from Blogger's Block can result in extremely boring blog posts, rambling posts, or staring at a blank screen for hours, which can result in eyestrain. See Writer's Block
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Blessings in Disguise
Last night's devotions made me think. We started off reading from our Window on the World book about Samoa. We ended up with talking about how God gets glory from every situation. Don't ask. Most of our devotions end up totally off the first topic. Anyway, before this blog post gets completely off topic like devotions, I'll get on with my point. Whenever we go through tough situations, afterwards I like to try to find the "blessing in disguise". What good came out of the bad time. The part that God was glorified from. "Wow, If we had done (fill in the blank) then this would have happened." Little things. "It's a good thing that we stopped for gas yesterday, even though it made us late, because the prices went up again today". Examples from my life: When my dad got a new job and we had to move across the country, I was not happy. I did not want to leave my family and friends. But, I ended up making some of the best friends I'll ever have. I still missed my friends and family, but had me not moved to tiny old Midland, we never would have met some really great people. AND.....we most likely wouldn't have adopted any of my brothers and sisters. Had we not done that, I wouldn't have a blog called Big Sister of Many. I'd be Big Sister of One, and that wouldn't be nearly as interesting, so some of you wouldn't be reading this, and wouldn't be hearing this extremely long story, or learning about giving God glory. Whew! See, even you are being affected by me not wanting to move. When I was about 5, my grandmother passed away. I thought the world was over. I was devastated. But now, I have a wonderful step-grandmother, and have loved and been loved by two wonderful grandmothers. I challenge you to find an blessing in disguise in your life this week. You'll be (pleasantly) surprised when and where you find them when you looking for them!
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