
Saturday, September 10, 2011


A huge bag of brown sugar, purchased at Sam's Club.(That's a lot of cookies)

Fifty pounds of flour.(Plus there's more in the pantry)

An average box of cereal comes with a toy. An enormous box of Corn Flakes comes with a pack of Crasins.(I know a box of Life cereal is a bit smaller than an average box, but it makes it a tad more dramatic:) )

Seven gallons. I couldn't get it in the picture, but there is two more in the door. Plus a half gallon of lactose free milk. Plus a half gallon of chocolate soy milk.(We go through about a gallon a day)

That's an average bag of chocolate chips for us (It's six times the size of a regular bag)

Twelve jars of creamy peanut butter (My mom bought the whole case at Aldi's)

Nine cups

(In size order, also age order)

We've got lots of shoes
(See my tye-dye rainbow crocs?)

A lot of the things you need for a supersized family come in a supersized amount.

(Someone told me we have enough to feed an army)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Names, Names

Alex, AJ, Hannah, Caley, JD, Riley and Zeke.
Alex, AJ, Hannah, Caley, JD, Riley, Zia and Zeke.
I think it sounds pretty good.
Zia and Zeke.
Zeke and Zia.
I guess we really like the Z's.
Soon enough(God willing) the second list shall be true.
That's right. We will soon be an eight kid family, made possible by adopting a six year old Zia.
Zia was born in India and abandoned. She lived in an orphanage for awhile until she was adopted by someone in California. Due to the circumstances, the adoptive parent can't keep her. She is living a group home right now, but we hope she'll come live with us soon.
She'll share a room with Caley and Riley. It'll be like having quadruplets-Caley is 7 months older than JD, JD is 6 months older than Riley, and Riley is 6 months older than Zia.
Just for the fun of it, I thought I'd post all of the meanings of our names. (FYI, we didn't pick names based on meaning, if you can't tell:) )

Alexandra- Defender of the People
Anthony- Unknown
Hannah- Grace
Caley- From the Jackdaw Clearing (WHAT?!)
Jonathan- God has given
Riley- Descendant of Roghallach (What in the world....)
Zia- Wheat, Grain
Ezekiel- God will Strengthen
Emily(mom's name)- To strive or excel or rival
Randy(dad's name)- Diminutive form of Randall or Miranda.