
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Bugs Go Marching One by One...

It all started a few weeks ago, when a poor, unsuspecting, and hungry girl went to the pantry and took out a box of Ritz crackers. That's funny, she thought. That almost looks like a bug shape on that cracker... Then, the speck on the cracker moved. "We have BUGS!" she yelped.
A few weeks later, on Christmas Eve, that same unfortunate girl looked at the clock and, realizing it was only 9:30, decided she needed a mid-morning snack (because if I...ahem, she....waited until lunch, my her stomach could quite possibly eat itself). She grabbed a box of Wheat Thins, and put some on a napkin, only to see her little buggy friends were back, crawling yet again on her crackers. Her family said they hoped the whole pantry wasn't infested, but left it at that. After all, it was only two little bugs..
Fast forward to last night.
After deciding to have rice with our chicken, my mother began to prepare a box of chicken flavored rice/vermicelli mix.
Absolutely noting in a chicken flavored rice and vermicelli mix should be black.
And they really shouldn't move.
(To be fair to the little bugs, I didn't see them move in the pan. I don't know if the heat had already killed them by the time we noticed. I'm pretty sure though, when I went to wash the pan, one was floating in the water.)
So we went through the pantry. Good grief. They got into a TON of stuff....some stuff we just trashed, knowing there was a very, very, good chance they were in there. Boxes and boxes of side dishes and macaroni and cheese and huge bags of rice and almost all of our opened packages of snack crackers. All over the pantry shelves and walls.
So gross.
Even grosser, after pitching an infested box of Triscuts, a certain family member (not me this time!) exclaimed, "I ate those today!!"
I hope they don't come back....almost all our food is in Ziploc bags and Tupperware containers now.
Oh, well. Extra protein I guess:)


Cousin Katie said...

Ewww. Sorry they got into EVERYTHING. We had that issue before except ours was with mice. There was mice in our kitchen (Somewhere in our Kitchen) and when we woke up we would find droppings on the counter. It was REALLY gross.~ Cousin Katie

Alex said...

Ew! We had mice when I was really little, so thankfully I don't remember them. I don't like the bugs, but I'd much rather that than mice! I think I'd scream if I saw a mouse...I'm like an elephant....:)

Cousin Katie said...

I would prefer bugs over mice too! When I saw the droppings I started screaming! It was disgusting!~ Cousin Katie

Katie said...

Hi Alex. Will you post a new blog post???? I enjoy reading them. ~Katie

Unknown said...

Extra protein with an allergic reaction and gastroenteritis on the side, I believe. The protein we could get from eating bugs isn’t exactly the good type of protein we get from eating normal, human food. Getting rid of bugs in the kitchen is a delicate procedure. I would suggest hiring a professional exterminator, just to be safe.

Selena Slough

Alex said...

Hi Selena! Thanks for the advice! I was just kidding--I'd never eat a bug, although I know some people do! We ended up throwing out a lot of the food in the pantry and using some home remedies like bay leaves to keep them away :)